How To Attract Women (Online & In-Person)

A lot of people ask me the same questions. One that’s repeatedly asked is how to attract women. They want to know what it is that makes women tick and ultimately click! Before we go on the hunt for the elusive North American Horny Hottie in its natural habitat, let’s take a look at what makes women actually click (or swipe, etc.) on a guy’s profile online or an app. Stick with me because this research is really going to pay off.


Research And Advice On How To Attract A Woman You Like

According to comprehensive psychological surveys, these are the three biggest attraction killers for women:

  • Not holding eye contact
  • Too much sexual intent
  • Bragging and talking too much
  • Talking about ex-girlfriends, politics, religion, sex, etc.
  • Being too drunk
  • Bad hygiene
  • Being overeager
  • Not being 100% present in the moment with her

47% of women say that the biggest turn off is when  a man’s eyes wander

But the same surveys reveal what factors build attraction for women:

  1. Listen to her
  2. Hold eye contact
  3. Be present in the moment
  4. Compliment her
  5. Build rapport/a connection
  6. Ask questions

Your goal is to make a connection.

In summary, the best way to do that is to:

Establish good eye contact

Be in the moment and not distracted (Phone off! Even better, show her that you take out your phone and turn it off and tell her you want to enjoy your time with her!)

LISTEN to her. Use active listening techniques.

Ask her questions.

Laugh, have fun, share the moment.

Pay attention to her

Compliment her.

Don’t talk too much – either out of nervousness or to brag

Be a little different by being REAL!


Don’t worry, I’ve got some more stats for you here today.

A survey of single women found that:

For every one woman, there are 1.4 men pursuing her.

There are 2.6 men pursuing/approaching women who go out socially at least twice a week.

Every attractive woman has an average of at least four men chasing her.

Online dating isolates women from their usual social patterns, i.e., going out to look for men in groups.

In fact, 43% of women go “hunting” for men in groups of three or more.

But as women get older, they start going out with the purpose of meeting men in smaller groups or even by themselves.

The comfort with the group dynamic applies to dating, too, as 43% of women are most comfortable meeting strangers (a strange man like a blind date) in groups of four, with two men and two women.

The top three places where women prefer a man to approach or chat with her during the day:

  1. Coffee shop – I’ve even laid out the best way to do this in this article here and it should come as no surprise that I’ve mentioned that coffee shops are the best places to meet girls in San Jose during the day.
  2. Park
  3. Museum

The top three places where women prefer a man to approach or chat with her at night:

  1. Bar
  2. Theater/Comedy club
  3. Music concert or event

Everyone deals with rejection when talking to the opposite sex and dating, but here are the actual statistics behind the scorn. Here’s some facts that you need to keep in mind when out on the town looking for someone to hook up with. Oh, and don’t you dare forget to make sure your casual hook up apps are loaded and active. Every second counts whether you’re using the best dating apps in the world or a new trending Tinder copycat. Stay connected when on the hunt!

According to research, on a typical night out:

  • At least two men hit on every one woman
  • And four men or more hit on every above-average attractive woman
  • 83% of men use pick-up lines
  • And 81% of women don’t reject men outright but give them a chance

The top 3 reasons why women reject men who try to “holler at them:”

  1. Poor conversation
  2. Too drunk – remember whiskey dick sucks!
  3. Too aggressive/sexual

Why are men rejected?

14% Bad timing

44% Poor conversation

27% Too aggressive/sexual

16% Use corny/obviously pre-meditated pick-up lines

6% Badly dressed/bad hygiene

41% Too drunk

21% Ugly or unattractive

Are you trying to approach a girl to get her phone number?

Studies reveal that when women refuse to give a guy her phone number:

61% Of women say that it’s because the man is too pushy, aggressive, or asks too soon

11% Won’t give their number to a guy if he seems like a player

24% Decline if he asks too soon after they met

37% Don’t give up the digits if he’s too pushy or aggressive

28% Say they won’t give their number to a guy who is too drunk

These stats don’t even account for women giving FAKE phone numbers and yes, it does happen, especially on the fake dating sites and scam apps like this one here as well others.

Well, those are the facts and I think you’ve got plenty of information which I’ve armed you with. Now it’s your turn to actually do something with that information. Do you plan on being lonely every weekend and not hooking up or having to pay for sex hiring the girls on or are you going to be a stud and smash someone using a dating app? The choice is yours my friend!

Ricky Decastro


I moved to Miami from California in 2017 to start a new life and found the dating scene to be a disaster! As an avid writer, I decided to start Dating God to document my experiences. The Good. The Bad. And of course, the UGLY.